
Assistant Director(Panchayats)

  1. The Assistant Director of Rural Development (Panchayats) released State Finance Commission, Pooled Assigned Revenue and Funeral rights grants to 3 tiers of panchayats with the approval of the District Collector / Inspector of Panchayats
  2. Works taken up under the schemes like Mines and Minerals,14th Finance Commission,Infrastructure Gap Filling Fund for village panchayats and providing Administrative Sanction permissions
  3. Maintain and Monitoring TWAD,TNEB payment for all village panchayats
  4. Make awareness to the people about Dengue fever. Maintain stock positions of disinfectant in village panchayats
  5. Providing Administrative Sanction for water supply works under schemes as per requirements in panchayats after inspections and verifications
  6. Monitoring Grama Sabhas which conducting in village panchayats and maintain the relevant records
  7. Action taken regarding Encroachment removals in panchayats and regular monitoring
  8. Handling court cases and make file action regularly
  9. Maintaining and monitoring Seemai Kavel Tree Removals in panchayat levels
  10. Maintain and Monitoring reports regarding conversion of all TUBE Lights into LED lights in all Village panchayats.Also maintain the Handpump,Power pump related reports
  11. Action taken on Petitions which received from Monday petition and Chief Minister Cell
  12. Providing permission for Advertisement Flex and all tax demand collection balance monitoring and action taken regarding

Office Details

SL.NO Designation Phone Number E-mail ID
1 Assistant Director (Panchayats ) adp[dot]tntut[at]nic[dot]in
2 BDO/Superintendent (Admin) adp[dot]tntut[at]nic[dot]in